
Executive Summary

Company Number Previous Enquiries
Company Status Number of Suppliers Last EoM
NZBN Total Exposure Last EoM
Company Name Changes DSO Trend
Address PPSR Registrations
Combined Credit Limit Defaults
Directors Notifications
Time in Business Judgments
Industry Three-month DSO Average
Generated on Related Co. Insolvencies

Credit Score


Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) Trend

Aged Balances Trend

PPSR Finance Statements Collateral Summary
Judgments search is limited to the last five years.
This information is retrieved from the New Zealand Government's Ministry of Economic Development, Insolvency and Trustee Service and includes all insolvencies administered by the Official Assignee. This excludes information on liquidations where the Official Assignee is not the liquidator.
Previous Enquiries / Credit Activity
There are no PPSR finance statements for this company.
Currently there is an issue with the PPS Registry which unfortunately means we are unable to retrieve their data at this time. It may be possible to access this information direct from the Companies Office. We are sorry for the inconvenience and trust this situation will be resolved very shortly.
Aged Balances Monthly View
Current Month to Date
Month  Current  DueNow  +30  +60  +90  Unalloc  Total  Ret  DSO  Suppliers  CTI